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By Lois and Julia Thompson

Personal Resonance assists you in making decisions by showing you how to identify what you vibrationally align with. Instead of analyzing your choices, this exercise helps you tune in to your body to get the answer. It’s for anyone that is blocked making decisions, doesn’t trust their own instincts or feels stuck from moving forward in their life.
Great for:

  •      Getting unstuck from limiting beliefs
  •      Making heart-centered decisions
  •      Helping clients learn how to validate their own decisions


In a world where we’re taught to constantly seek external validation, it is essential to learn how to listen to and trust our own thoughts and emotions. Every human has a different vantage point and perspective of their world, made up of both limiting and empowering belief systems developed through their own experiences, traumas, programming, knowledge, and wisdom.
We have much to learn from each other, however, it is important to begin with knowing ourselves as an individual. This is where personal resonance comes in. Personal resonance allows us to tap into our own thoughts, beliefs and feelings by asking ourselves: “What do I believe? Why do I believe that? How do I feel? Is that feeling limiting or empowering?” Developing this kind of self-understanding helps us to make the best choices and decisions as we move through life 먹튀검증.
Sometimes when an idea, person or situation comes along you feel resistance to it. This may be because it’s new and feels scary so it’s expanding and challenging your current circumstances or belief systems. Or you may be sensing that this idea, person or situation is not a good match for you. Having a technique to understand why you do or don’t resonate with something will empower you to make good decisions.
Other times we face a decision between two or more choices and we don’t know which is the right one for us. We try to analyze the different options but end up feeling pulled in both directions. Our confusion makes it hard to move forward because we don’t know how to listen to our inner voice and intuitive knowing.
Everything is energy. We feel and interact with energy all the time. It’s not just a New Age woo-woo idea, it’s scientific fact. If you’ve ever walked into a room and feel you could cut the tension with a knife, it’s energy you’re interacting with. If you’ve experienced a gut feeling when you walk into your house that something is bothering your loved one before you interact with them, that’s energy at work.
It’s essential that you learn to understand your own feelings and beliefs so you can distinguish between something that is genuinely not the right choice for you and resistance coming from fear, trauma or limiting beliefs.
This Personal Resonance technique relies on your own personal wisdom by tapping into your feelings and energy. It uses present moment awareness to assess the idea, person or situation that is creating resistance or confusion.
1. Slow down. Take a few deep breaths. Feel your body without moving. Feel your energy. How are you feeling? How does it feel to take a few deep breaths? Find your center. Feel your feet on the ground. If desired, place your hand on your heart center.
2. While breathing, think about the idea, person or circumstance you are questioning. How does your body feel? Is it tight or anxious? Open, comfortable, or feeling any other sensation? Try to zoom in on where you are feeling sensations. Are they associated with what you are contemplating?
If you are feeling any uncomfortable sensations, ask yourself these questions:

  •      Is this idea, person or situation coming up against something I previously/currently believe? If so, is that belief limiting or empowering?
  •      Is this feeling associated with my ideals clashing with others around me?
  •      Is this feeling associated with fear?
  •      Is this something I can grow through now?
  •      If not: Is this something I can work on growing through to prepare for a future similar circumstance?
  •      If not: Is this something I have no current desire to grow with? Why?

Case study
Susan was shopping for new homes and was struggling to make a choice. She sat down and started to breathe consciously and check in with her feelings. She noticed that she felt overwhelmed and had a tightness and anxious feeling in her chest. Her stomach felt like it was in a knot. Susan adjusted her breathing to be deeper.
She then started to think about the two homes she had to choose from. They both had benefits and downfalls, including one being a larger investment. Instead of using the analyzing part of her brain, she used her imagination to feel what it would be like to live in the first house. She imagined coming home to cook dinner in the kitchen, tucking the kids into bed, entertaining guests, and giving tours of the house. She imagined signing the papers for the house. She took a breath, and checked in with her body. Susan noticed a shift in how she was feeling before she started.
She then thinks about the second house in the same imaginative way and compares how she felt to the first house. She felt less anxious and more at peace thinking about the first house. Susan realized that she felt fearful about how much more the first house cost. She knew that she’d rather spend more for a house that she truly loved than buy a house she didn’t. This realization made it much easier to move forward into the physical logistics of buying a house knowing where she stood and why.
Tips for coaches

Remember that this exercise is something that is practiced. A client may need lots of practice to begin learning how they are feeling or why. That’s okay. You can guide them to dig deeper by asking open ended questions that focus on what they think, and why.
While this can be done while interacting with clients, it’s also a perfect tool to teach them to practice it on their own.
Personal resonance allows one to learn to trust their own inner voice, truth, and knowing. Learning and using personal resonance helps to allow one to shift over time into their desired life.