Aromatherapy works by influencing at least 2 levels simultaneously, the physical and emotional, and as all levels interrelate, the spiritual aspect of the individual will also be affected, although in a much more subtle way.
The established effects of essential oils on the human organism can therefore be divided into 2 kinds, physiological and psychological, with the former acting directly on the physical body, and the latter acting, via the sense of smell, on the mind, which in turn may also cause a physiological effect. Although these two levels may be perceived as separate, it would be difficult to explain how essential oils can affect one specific level, without influencing the other, as it is the actual ability of aromatherapy to treat the 'whole' individual that makes it such as effective and recommended form of treatment.
Physiological effects can be further divided into two types;
Those which act via the nervous system, and to a small extent, the endocrine system.
Those which act directly on an organ or tissue of the body itself.
Where these two effects can be described as being quite separate, it is almost certain that they may occur simultaneously, especially when appropriate oils are used.
The skin and the lungs are both vital to aromatherapy, as these are the two routes by which essential oils enter the body 먹튀검증커뮤니티. The skin is the body's largest organ, which is primarily concerned with the elimination of waste products, which result from everyday bodily processes. It can be described as being semi-permeable, as it completely surrounds the body, acting as a protective covering, allowing certain substances to pass through, while preventing others from gaining access.
What determines the ability of any substance to be able to pass through the skin, or not, is the size of the molecules from which it is made up. Water and watery substances cannot be absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin, although the upper layers will temporarily hold a little water It has been well established, however, that certain fatty substances, if their molecular structure is small enough, can certainly gain access. Essential oils have very fine aromatic molecules, and can be absorbed through the skin quite easily.
It is thought that essential oils pass through the hair follicles, which contain sebum, an oily liquid with the essential oils have a particular affinity, and from here, diffuse into the fine blood capillaries which lie just under the surface of the skin. Alternatively, they are taken up by the lymph and interstitial fluid to be carried to other parts of the body.
Aromatherapy massage offers the safest and most effective way of introducing essential oils into the body, and when diluted in a suitable carrier oil, the ability of essential oils to be absorbed through the skin is further enhanced.
If the skin is healthy, it may take only a few minutes for the initial absorption of the essential oils to take place, but it will take much longer if the skin is congested, either from the inside with toxins, or from the outside with dirt. In this regard, the state of the skin in general will play an important part in determining how long it will take for the essential oil treatments to have significant effect. This does not mean, however, that aromatherapy would be of no benefit to people with congested skins, it would in fact be a most beneficial form of treatment under these circumstances, as it would begin the re-balancing process. In these cases an appropriate change in lifestyle could considerably increase the value of treatments and the speed of healing, especially with regard to sufficient fresh air and exercise, coupled with an improvement in the overall diet. These changes would greatly reduce the toxic elements in the blood, and would allow the other organs of elimination, the kidneys and colon, to carry out their work efficiently, without having to rely on the skin to remove any excess waste, putting it under unnecessary strain. Also the 'cleaner' condition of the blood itself will facilitate the smooth and more efficient passage of essential oils throughout the body.
A large amount of fatty tissue, water retention, and poor circulation will also impede the absorption and passage of essential oils in the body, so it really depends on the condition of each individual as to the actual absorption time, which can vary from as little as 1 hour in some people, to 24 hours in others. The lymph, even more so than the blood, will not carry the oils efficiently if it is congested. Unlike the blood, it is not assisted to any great extent in its flow and tends to become stagnant when congested. This system, however, can be greatly improved by regular massage especially when combined with appropriate oils, and a suitable change in diet. It is important to remember that although the oils may be absorbed through the skin in a matter of minutes, in some cases, their journey is far from over, and may take some time before they actually reach their designated organs, where they begin to influence their effects.
The aromatic molecules of essential oils can also enter the body by way of the lungs. When these molecules are inhaled, they eventually reach the tiny air sacs of the lungs, from where they diffuse into the tiny blood capillaries. In this way, the oils will eventually enter the main blood vessels and enter the body as gases, influencing their effect. Although absorption via the lungs can be a very beneficial means of getting essential oils into the body, it does not offer the advantages of massage. Apart from the benefits of therapeutic touch during massage, the oils can be applied generally, over the whole body in a wider area, thus reaching their designated organs much quicker. It is also possible to treat a local area directly, by applying the oil over such an area, or by guiding the oil to exactly where it is needed.
It should also be remembered that certain emotions can become stored in the body as physical tensions, and the gradual breaking down and releasing of these tensions during massage, will give rise to the subsequent release of these emotions, ones that may have been stored in the body for some time. Inhalation of essential oils does not offer this advantage, unless appropriate oils are used over a long period of time. Massage however, can produce this result on its own, and when combined with the use of appropriate essential oils the results can be nothing short of amazing.
Once they have entered the bloodstream, essential oils diffuse from the blood and/or lymph, and enter the various organs and tissues of the body via the extracellular fluid. Appropriate oils are taken up and held by the different parts of the body that require them. This ability of the body to 'pick and choose', is said to be the result of the actual synergistic action of the individual oils themselves. This phenomenon is probably coupled with the body's own innate ability to know exactly what each organ and tissue of the body needs in order to regain and maintain a healthy balance.